Sunday, July 13, 2008

Business Distance Equals Zero

If you are still measuring your business client base by a radius, you're a dinosaur. It used to be that a retailer would consider a radius of 3, 5, or 100 miles in relation to their shop as the basis for their advertising, client base, and saturation point.

This is the 21st century and distance no longer exists. True, not everyone is going to be a prospect in most cases, but are you sure of that?

Since distance is no longer a factor, you have to be more critical of identifying your criteria for someone who qualifies as a prospect, customer, or client.

You are "in their face" so to speak, with this century's technology. What are you doing to develop, establish, and improve your business image?

You have to be easy to reach, easy to communicate with, and very easy to do business with, because any hurdle, even a minor one, can send the customer elsewhere. They will leave with the click of a mouse to your competitor's site and it won't matter which corner of the globe that they are located in.

Examine your consistency factor; is there a smooth transition between your physical location, cyber location, and your image? There should be consistency right down to the business cards and the way the phone is answered when it rings. Your image has to stretch from the receptionist to the corporate jet.

I'm tired of hearing executives spout about the fact that we are in the information age. We are past the information age and have fallen into the realm of too much information. The business world responds to who can sort through the information and deliver what is really needed through easy to understand and follow solutions.

Even more important than providing the solutions is the ability to communicate. The 21st century is a time of communicating what you want, when you want it, who you want it from, where you want it, and maybe, why you think you want it.

There is no substitute for great communication, but bad communication will provide the reason behind the refusal to do business.

There is no distance to work, there's only a physical place where you gather in-person with others. Work merely involves communicating with someone at the speed of sound and understanding their needs, communicating a solution, and listening as to how you can communicate better.

The word "distance" is a relic. Distance is evolving from a physical form of measurement to nothing more than an intangible entity, like time. We know that time and distance exist, but do they really exist?

Remember this; If distance equals zero, then communication must equal everything.

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