Thursday, July 24, 2008

Simple Offline Advertising Strategies

A lot of online based businesses owners focus completely on online advertising forgetting about the importance of offline methods of promoting their products. The online and offline advertising should be combined together to make the most of your promoting efforts. Using offline advertising you can make it even more effective by targeting people that have access to the internet so this way you get prospects that you can follow online.

The thing that you need to always remember is to include your website address, contact information such us phone number and personal email address and email address to subscribe to your ezine in all your advertising

When it comes to promote your business offline you can use the following methods:

- Place classified or full page ads in magazines or newspapers related to your business or at least computer and internet related so that you will make sure that your classified is read by people who have access to the internet and can easily check your offer online.

- Post flyers in your local stores ranging from computer stores, software stores to libraries with free internet access etc.

- You can buy mailing lists to send them direct mail with your offer. Always make sure that all the people on the mailing list are internet users.

- Also if you can afford it you should consider buying commercial time on TV. It would be great if you could reserve the time during the shows targeted toward computer and internet users.

- Give away the CD-ROMs business cards at the events you may organize. It could be at trade shows, seminars, fairs, etc.

- Make a deal with another business owners paying them to insert your business ads or materials into their product packages.

- Try to open free offline class to teach people how to use their computers and internet connection to make money with your business opportunity. As example you could display your own website.

- Don't forget about doing some co-op mailings with other businesses. They should also be targeting people with computers and internet access.

- You can also give away free mouse pads. Put your own advertising on them and pass them out at computer or internet events.

- Card decks can be also a great item to put your advertisement in. The card decks also should be targeted toward internet users.

Finally the thing you need to remember is that not all the people are right for your business. For instance if you have a business that is based only online you should avoid wasting your money on advertisement targeting people with no access to the internet. Another example -business books. If you have business books you don't want to target computer games fans with your advertising, instead you should rather focus on business owners.

Plan your campaign smartly, choose the right audience and target it with your product to convert into customers as many people as possible. If you manage to build the campaign just stick to it and results will come soon.

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