Thursday, August 07, 2008

3 Ways To Get Your Business Noticed

When you first start your business you may be short on money needed to advertise. Once you get going in your business you may be making enough money to advertise, but who wants to spend money on advertising when there are free ways to do it? Finding ways to advertise for free, may be time consuming, so this article will give you three ways to do this so you won’t have to spend time looking. Using these ways will help you get your business noticed and help you make money. Now don’t get me wrong, paid advertising is good for business, but free advertising is a great way to reach people that you may not otherwise reach.

Whether you are new to the online business world or you have been working it for years, advertising can be hard to do. This article will give you ideas on how to advertise your business for free. These are things you can do yourself which will save you money.


Networking is a good way to build confidence with your potential customers or clients. Networking can be done easily online.

One place you can network is Twitter is like Yahoo Instant Messenger. You get your chat messages instantly and you can network with lots of people from other places. You can ask questions, answer questions when people ask, tell others what you have going on, and share your business.

Twitter is a great and easy way to meet people, have fun, and get business clients or customers. Twitter is free to join and fun to use.

2. Google groups

Google groups are a great way to network and advertise your business. There are thousands of groups you can join.

To get started you need to set up a Google account. This is free to do. Go to and click on the Sign In button at the top right side of your screen. Then click on create an account on the right side and the follow the instructions.

Once you get your account set up you can search for groups to join. Click on my account at the top, and then click on groups. Google has groups of all sorts. Groups for advertising, groups that will help you with your business, and groups that will help you reach your goals and grow your business.

3. Surf sites

Surf sites are free to join and you can get your website listed. When you set up your site, all you do is surf sites and in return your site will go to others to view. and are two surf sites that are free to join and are easy to do. All you do is set up your account and they will give you instructions that will show you what you need to do to get your site listed for others to view.

This article gave you three ways to get your business noticed online for free. These are great and easy ways to promote your business. Good luck and keep up the great work!

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