Friday, August 08, 2008

Target An Improved Life

If you are wondering what to aim for in life, then aimed for an improved life itself. To get you going here is a cookbook set of steps that you can apply to reach happiness on your life goal list.

A. Broaden your horizons

People who could be benefiting from a much-improved life are often blocking the progress by closing their minds to the different possibilities. Sometimes it is a belief that they cannot do something or fear the possibility will be denied to them, when the opportunity is real and the chance of success excellent. Yet in the same way that people have been taught not to question, not to step outside, they can also re-learn and acquire that notion of going beyond these artificial limits.

B. Focus on the present

The present is where you are and what is happening. The past was yesterday; what’s done is done. The future has yet to come and anything can happen. By focusing on the present, you can apply the best method for succeeding in making a better life: right here, right now with what you have available.

C. A clear view

Practice taking an objective, detached view of your situation and where you want to go. Even though enthusiasm and positive thinking are great qualities to have, they need to come after a clear view of the pros and cons of your current situation and what you might want to do about it. Be careful as well to avoid unwanted emotions often generated by past events, such as anger, sorrow or jealousy. They will not help you to understand in real terms what your potential is for a better life.

D. The vision

Build a detailed vision of what your new, improved life will look like. Don’t stint on the level of detail. The more real you can make it in your mind mapping session, the more you will memorize it as a goal, and the more chance you will have of achieving it. You can start to get enthusiastic at this point, as long as you stay realistic.

E. Intuition as a secret weapon

You have two halves to your brain, a left half and a right half. So far, we’ve concentrated on the logical part, which is the left half. The right half, the creative and intuitive side, has a lot to offer as well. Sometimes, the logical approach can get bogged down in its own rationalizing. That’s when the intuitive approach can get you out of the rut and catapult you forwards to new possibilities. It can be a very powerful tool if you give it a chance.

F. Be creative

You might get lucky on your way to a better life, but the best thing is to give luck a helping hand. By being creative, you’ll be able to expand on the vision of where you want to be and invent new ways of getting there if the old ways don’t work well enough. You’ll also be better positioned to use the law of attraction to manufacture your own opportunities to order.

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