Saturday, August 02, 2008

Five Design Elements For Posters

When you are developing a poster printing project, there are certain design elements that you should remember and try to incorporate into your poster. These include balance, movement, emphasis, unity, and appeal. Here we will discuss these elements in greater detail.

Balance Balance is a pretty straightforward concept. In general, you want each side of your poster to have roughly the same amount of impact information. In other words, you don’t want to overload one side at the expense of the other. Doing so will lead the viewer’s eye to the overloaded side, which pretty much eliminates one half of the poster. Instead, you want to fully utilize all of the space available to you by spreading out your impact elements.

Movement You want to direct the viewer’s eye toward the most important parts of your poster. Usually, you want to lead them through your poster in a systematic way. Designing your poster to do this is called the element of movement. Incorporating certain information and images in such a way as to lead the viewer through a predetermined sequence is the essence of movement.

Emphasis The element of emphasis is making one part or aspect of your poster stand out more than any other. It is used to “force” the reader to see exactly what you want them to see. Emphasis can be achieved in several ways. You can make the most important part of your poster larger than the rest. You can also use contrasting shapes or colors to make the impact part of your poster stand out more.

Unity Unity is the art of making sure that all of the different parts of your poster work well together. You do not want aspects that “clash” with each other. Clashing components can cause certain parts of your poster to be overlooked, while overemphasizing other parts. Effectively incorporating the element of unity can lead to a much more powerful poster.

Appeal Appeal is another way of saying that your poster attracts the people it is meant to attract. You want your target customers to see (and be impacted by) your poster. You do this by using objects and images that appeal to those customers. Obviously, to effectively use this element, you must know who your target customers are. Then, you have to know how to appeal to them.

If you incorporate these five elements into your poster design, you will have a much more effective advertising tool working for you. To recap: keep your poster balanced, use movement to direct the viewer’s eyes, emphasize the most important parts of your poster, make sure all of your components work together, and use aspects that appeal to your target customers.

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